Friday, July 31, 2009

Waiting time begins again

Well we are beginning the waiting game again..Yes the dreaded 2ww! I'm ready for it and pray that the time flys. We are taking it easy as we can but with my work and my work-out i try to stay as moderate as possible and not go hard care as i do sometimes. I have experienced some very light cramps but it may just be ovulation pains or PMS pains so well find out in a bit. I also have been eating ALOT but that may also be a regular PMS symptom of mine due to the body metabolism increasing due to a lot of activity going on preparing the uterine stay tuned..I plan on taking my HPT on August 8, only eight days away. Prayers please!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Another modified BD

Well today this morning we had another modified baby dance with the aid of or trusty eye dropper and suddefed. We didn't have as good of a sample that we had Sunday but any little bit helps. We had a positive ovulation test but my temperature this morning was the same that it was yesterday so i thing that i need to get a Basel thermometer. We won't be doing anymore BD's due to the meds so my DH is gonna get a lil break. So it's on to the 2ww. If this cycle doesn't work we are going to next time do our modifies BD when the ovulation test proves positive because Sunday i didn't have a positive LH surge. So I'll keep you updated...Stay tuned...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

TTC update here we go...

Well today i got a definite positive on my ovulation test and me and my DH did a traditional BD. We will be doing the modified BD in the morning. Fertility friends websites says we have between today and Thursday. I have been taking my Basel temperature every morning and i have yet to receive a ovulation spike. i think the reason for this may be that I'm using a thermometer that even though it is a digital thermometer it wasn't bought labeled as a Basel thermometer. If this cycle is not successful i plan on buying a Basel thermometer. That's all i have for now. Stay tuned....

Sunday, July 26, 2009

We Are go....I think

Well today was our first modified baby dance...Modified because we didn't have sex...
How is this effective in the baby making you ask?
Well what we did was have my DH ejaculate in a little cup then using a eye dropper we deposited the sample into my vagina near the crevix.
Why did we do this you ask...
Because my DH suffers from retrograde ejaculation...
And the only way we can get the semen to come out is by having him take a half a dozen suddafed tablets..
And one of the side effects of taking that many tablets is constriction of the blood vessels which make it difficult for him to maintain an erection...
So...hence the modified baby dance...
Surprising isn't it..
We just hope it works...
Experience menstrual like cramps after the deposit was made, probably due to me placing the semen within the uterus which acts as an irritant..Oops!
Better next time....
I still haven't have an confirmed ovulation but i expect it sometime this week..
GOD i pray this works!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I'm Still Here...

Yes, I'm still here but I've been busy just with life and work... I'm still on my TTC journey i have just not had much to report. I have joined a website that helps you plot and graph your temperature and ovulation to help you in gauging when you ovulate. I have been doing that steadily. Currently I'm on day 10 of my cycle... I'm schedule to ovulate starting Sunday but we'll see how that works out. OK gotta go get ready for my job interview TTYL!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

CD 3- Ovulation Charting

This morning I began Taking my Basal Temp and notating on a chart i downloaded and printing off the net. Here is the link.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

CD 3

Well it's after midnight and i am still doing research how to conceive using calenders and thermometers and OPK's and all of that. Hopefully well get some results here. I also have some other goals i wish to obtain during this time. Like:

1. Learn to Crochet
2. Cut as much sugar and processed foods from my diet as possible.
3. Get back on my workout regiment
4. Lose about 5lbs
5. Find a Full time job
6. Clear my face of this relentless breakout.
7. Investigate the cost of going back to school.

Those are just a few of the things i have buzzing around my head. I try to clear my mind of all the clutter but sometimes i think i thrive on high levels of stress or at least high impact work load. But i take it easy when i need to believe me.

Monday, July 13, 2009

My first (second) blog

Hi for those who followed me on my IVF blog( you know that my first attempt at IVF was an utter failure. But we won't let that keep us down. We are going keep it rolling and attempt at a more natural method of conception. Stay tuned...