Sunday, July 26, 2009

We Are go....I think

Well today was our first modified baby dance...Modified because we didn't have sex...
How is this effective in the baby making you ask?
Well what we did was have my DH ejaculate in a little cup then using a eye dropper we deposited the sample into my vagina near the crevix.
Why did we do this you ask...
Because my DH suffers from retrograde ejaculation...
And the only way we can get the semen to come out is by having him take a half a dozen suddafed tablets..
And one of the side effects of taking that many tablets is constriction of the blood vessels which make it difficult for him to maintain an erection...
So...hence the modified baby dance...
Surprising isn't it..
We just hope it works...
Experience menstrual like cramps after the deposit was made, probably due to me placing the semen within the uterus which acts as an irritant..Oops!
Better next time....
I still haven't have an confirmed ovulation but i expect it sometime this week..
GOD i pray this works!!


  1. Where did you find the info about the sudafed. I would be scared for him to take that many at once.

  2. he saw an urologist and just by tial and error on what works for him and gives the required results.
